I am love and I am everywhere
I am love, I am endless, I am eternal.
I do not want for anything or require anything in return.
I am fearless; I do not give up or despair.
I cannot be lost, for I am entirely unconditional. I have forgiven you, before the need to be forgiven, for I cannot judge.
For conflict, I do not care. Yet under fire, I am without care. I am the stillness and silence within.
I am bliss, when you are discontented.
I am as patient, as I am eternal. Without time, without limit.
I will never leave, for that is impossible, as I am everywhere. I am all you need, without need.
I am the peace within and the calm without.
I am the bird song.
I am the echo of an angel’s wings, fluttering through the wind.
I am the gentle caress of raindrops upon the ground.
I am the falling of a leaf, nourishing all that’s beneath, eventually propelling new life from the earth, up unto the sun, all things becoming one.
I am love and I am everywhere.